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Zaporozhian Cavalrymen (veterans) are veteran personal guard horse archers of the Cossack Hetmanate.


High level horsemen making up part of Cossack scouting parties and able to act as heavy dragoons, they are the Hetmanate's heaviest and most expensive troops. Lacking both the lances and armor of true heavy cavalry - wearing mail at best and cloth at worst - but carrying excellent firearms - the best Miquelet Carbine in the game among them - as well as riding light but fast Coursers, veteran Zaporozhian Cavalrymen show reasonable power against all kinds of troops - as with all cavalry, however, they will quickly fall if surrounded by infantry.

Veteran Zaporozhian Cavalrymen are best employed against any lighter cavalry - dragoon-alikes may shoot down their horses before they get in reach - and any vulnerable infantry lacking firearms and polearms. Being a lot weaker on foot than one would expect, be sure not to round veteran Zaporozhian Cavalrymen up against ranged infantry with higher-power firearms - using a lure to aim enemy firearms and pikes away from them may allow an effective charge to commence, provided your lure isn't obliterated.

Stats and Equipment[]

Note: Troops have a set of default stats; at the beginning of a new game, these stats are randomly adjusted for each type of troop. The following is the default set for this troop as seen within the game code and may not reflect the specific stats you will see during actual gameplay. For more information, see troop stats.
Zaporozhian Cavalryman (veteran) - Default Stats and Equipment
Stat Points
Level 22
Strength 12
Agility 11
Intelligence 0
Charisma 0
Health 57
Rich Misiurka
Misiurka Cap
Cossack Cap
Chain Armor
Chain-mail Zupan
Armor-clad Zupan
Leather-clad Zupan
Good Cavalry Boots
Cavalry Boots
Good Boots
Cossack Boots
Skill Points
Ironflesh 5
Power Strike 4
Grenade Throwing 0
Power Draw ?
Weapon Master 6
Shield ?
Athletics ?
Riding 7
Shooting from Horseback 8
Looting ?
Trainer ?
Tracking ?
Tactics ?
Path-finding ?
Spotting ?
Inventory Management 2
Wound Treatment ?
Surgery ?
First Aid ?
Engineer ?
Persuasion ?
Prisoner Management 1
Leadership 1
Trade 1
Weapon Type Points
One Handed Weapons 180
Two Handed Weapons 160
Polearms 170
Archery 0
Firearms 170
Throwing 0
Cavalry Lance
Good Chekan
Good Crowbill
Flanged Mace
Cossack Saber
Good Miquelet Carbine
Good Pistol
Heavy Bullets

Troops of the Cossacks
Village Recruits Icon troop type bow Countryman
Garrison Militia Icon troop type bow Poor Cossack (veteran) Icon troop type infantry Poor Cossack Pikeman (veteran)
Regular Infantry Icon troop type bow Countryman
Icon troop type bow Netyag (veteran)
Icon troop type bow Zaporozhian Infantryman (veteran)
Guard Infantry Icon troop type bow Serduk (veteran)
Regular Cavalry Icon troop type horse archer big Djura (veteran)
Heavy Cavalry Icon troop type horse archer big Watchman (veteran)
Icon troop type cavalry big Pike Watchman (veteran)
Personal Guard Cavalry Icon troop type horse archer big Zaporozhian Cavalryman (veteran)
Camp Mercenaries
(between Cherkassy and Sich)
Icon troop type infantry Cossack Mercenary Infantryman (recruit) • (experienced) • (veteran) • (elite)
Icon troop type bow Cossack Mercenary Rifleman (recruit) • (experienced) • (veteran) • (elite)
Icon troop type horse archer big Cossack Mercenary Cavalryman (recruit) • (experienced) • (veteran) • (elite)
Regional Mercenaries
Icon troop type bow Town Cossack (veteran)
Icon troop type horse archer big Rank Cossack (veteran)
National Mercenaries
(only if at peace with Crimean Khanate)
Icon troop type bow Tatar Infantryman (veteran)
Icon troop type horse archer big Tatar Cavalryman (veteran)