This is a list of interactions with Varvara.
What are you looking at? Want to taste my rolling-pin?
- God forbid, no! I thought you had something to tell me. So what is your name?
- "My name is Varvara, of Novgorod. -- There I lived my whole life, before I became a widow.
- After he developed a passion for mead, my late husband began to beat me. Often he would come home blind drunk, and then go right for the belt... Well, one day I couldn't take it any longer. When he appeared, I was busy with dough in the kitchen, working my tired hands... So I gave him a blow on top of his head with my rolling-pin -- and broke his skull.
- Oh, what trouble there was then! The guards came and wanted to bring me before the judges. I was so enraged I was beside myself. I grabbed a long-handle axe from one of the guards and drove the lot of them into the Volkhov River, right up to their necks. Then I ran off here to my sisters' place... She used to live here, but a week ago she passed away."
- So, you say you crushed your husband's skull with a rolling-pin and drove off three guards with a halberd?
- I am quiet as a mouse when I am calm. But if I am angry, I can crush anyone with my bare hands. Take me with you, good sir. I can cook pies as well!
- All in all, if you need something done about the household, call me.
- Pies you say? I feel you might be more useful on the battlefield than in the kitchen.
- Oh, what joy! Kind sir, can you not spare a mere 200 thaler for some new Moroccan shoes? -- I can't go anywhere in these foot-wraps.
- All right, take it. I am glad to have you with us.
- There was a woman, a warrior in France once upon a time, Joan of Arc. She came to a bad end...
- My, my. I pity whoever gets mixed up with you.
- All in all, if you need something done about the household, call me.
- Nay and nay! I am leaving already...
Now I'm sitting here and thinking where to go.
Oh (sir/madam), I cannot bear this wanderer's life much longer. We travel the fields and woods, like bears woken up in the winter. I feel must try to return home. Thank you for bread and salt, for refuge and for wisdom shared.
Ah, (sir/madam)! There is no such thing as a happy life for a poor widow. My house was taken by the treasury on the orders of the warlord. I am a mere wanderer once more. Take me back, I beg you! -- I will serve you hand and foot.
Story: Novgorod[]
This quiet forest stream is called Volkhov. From here it is but a short way to Novgorod.
It is a large, rich city. I passed my childhood in the trading quarters.
I didn't like dolls and used to play skittles with the boys. As I grew up I learned to work with the oven. It was there I discovered that a rolling-pin in a strong hand is every bit as deadly.
Like Quotes[]
Victor de la Buscador[]
Who's that rider there? Perhaps it is Victor de la Buscador returning from the round? Oh, I can't speak badly of him -- he's a delicate and courteous gentleman. And he always praises my cooking, and... well, he is very kind, you know...
If you see him, tell him to hurry to lunch. I saved some delicacies for him. Were my husband that gallant and stately, I wouldn't have broken my rolling pin on his head.
Dislike Quotes[]
Oh well, I can no longer stand it. That Ingri, the heathen merchant, bought rotten meat and withered vegetables again. How am I supposed to make a lunch of that?
Here's what I say. Two mistresses should never stand at the same oven. You are no Tatar, to have four wives or the like. So if she continues to stick her nose in all the household business...
Forgive this poor wife speaking out, but tell me please, why is it you took a vampire in our party? Of course, I'm talking about Tepes -- who else? He's just like in my grandmother's fairytales.
Perhaps he is a good warrior, but so what? When he wanders about in the night, my heart fills with terror. And I am not alone in that feeling... You have a decision to make...