Varra was a noblewoman of Sturgia and a member of clan Kuloving. She was the daughter of the late Knyaz Olek the Old and the sister of Knyaz Olek the Young and Siga.
She died the year after the Battle of Pendraic under mysterious circumstances.
In the world_lore_strings.xml game file, one explanation for Varra's death can be found.
Raganvad desired to seal an alliance with the Khuzait, and arranged for Siga's little sister to marry an unnamed nobleman of the Arkit. However, Siga did not approve of the arranged marriage, and ran off to rescue her sister and burn down the castle with the Arkit nobleman inside. Fearing repudiation, Raganvad sentenced Varra to death, sending her head to the Khuzaits as a gift. Ever since, Siga swore to someday enact her vengeance against both Raganvad and Monchug alike, while her brother Olek stewed in his anger. An Arkit kinsman of the murdered husband (also unnamed) swore vengeance on "that Sturgian witch", but seems to have forgiven any part of Raganvad's involvement thanks to his timely peace offering.
“ | Ah, yes. Raganvad, the glorious king, gave my little sister Pira to a Khuzait to seal an alliance. Well, my other sister - Siga - she wasn't having any of that. She rescued NAME, and left the Khuzait's castle in flames behind her. Well, Raganvad couldn't have that - he had my sister taken by surprise, and sent her head to the Khuzaits. This is not something that our family can forget. | ” |
— world_lore_strings.xml game file, Sandbox Moduledata folder |
As the story can't be found in-game, with Olek not even mentioning it during his two conversations about Raganvad, the canonicity of the tale is suspect at best. However, parts of the story are still hinted at through Raganvad's memories on his in-game Encyclopedia entry.