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For the Bannerlord organization, see Vaegir Guard (Bannerlord).

Vaegir Guards are the top-tier infantry units in the Vaegir troop line, the other top tier units being Vaegir Marksmen and Vaegir Knights. They are obtained from upgrading Vaegir Infantry for 80 denars.


These units are slightly more mobile than their Swadian Sergeant or Rhodok Sergeant counterparts, but their general lack of shields leave them very vulnerable to archer fire. They are the least-shielded top-tier infantry in Calradia, more so than Sarranid Guards. Vaegir Guards can be seen to best Nord Huscarls in melee, likely due to the Guards favoring two-handed axes in battle, allowing them to destroy their opponents' shields and then strike enemies in the head for one-hit kills during the brief stuns caused when their guard is broken.

In order to increase the likelihood of Vaegir infantry upgrading to shielded guards, the player should command their troops to use blunt weapons at first(which will make them all draw their shields), and then command them to use their regular weapons before closing range, so that the Vaegir infantry uses their shields and one handed weapons more often.

Guards fight well in defending castles because of their weapons, but otherwise will fall prey to enemy archers quite easily. Some spawn with pikes to counter cavalry.

If you use Vaegir Guards, it is important to suppress enemy archer fire quickly by any means, such as firing a volley of arrows or a cavalry charge. You can also use another shielded infantry as core infantry, and use Vaegir Guards as shock troopers. This can be done by setting the Guards as another group type, and keeping them behind the troops with shields until your infantry are about to charge to the enemy. This way, the Guards will almost never face the arrows. An open field method could also involve using cavalry to bait enemy archers away while your infantry closes in.

Stats and equipment[]

Note: Troops have a set of default stats; at the beginning of a new game, these stats are randomly adjusted for each type of troop. The following is the default set for this troop as seen within the game code and may not reflect the specific stats you will see during actual gameplay. For more information, see troop stats.

Vaegir Guard - Default Stats and Equipment
Stat Points
Level 24
Strength 7
Agility 5
Intelligence 4
Charisma 4
Health 48
Vaegir War Helmet, Helmet with Lamellar Guard
Banded Armor, Lamellar Vest, Lamellar Armor
(Possible): Leather Gloves
Mail Chausses, Iron Greaves
Skill Points
Ironflesh 3
Power Strike 4
Power Throw ?
Power Draw ?
Weapon Master ?
Shield 2
Athletics 4
Riding 2
Horse Archery ?
Looting ?
Trainer ?
Tracking ?
Tactics ?
Path-finding ?
Spotting ?
Inventory Management ?
Wound Treatment ?
Surgery ?
First Aid ?
Engineer ?
Persuasion ?
Prisoner Management ?
Leadership ?
Trade ?
Weapon Type Points
One Handed Weapons 150
Two Handed Weapons 130
Polearms 140
Archery 0
Crossbows 0
Throwing 0
Ashwood Pike, Fighting Axe, Bardiche, Battle Axe
Heavy Kite Shield

Troops of the Vaegirs
Icon troop type infantry Taiga Bandit
Chevron-1 Icon troop type infantry Recruit
Chevron-2 Icon troop type infantry Footman
Chevron-3 Icon troop type infantry Veteran Icon troop type bow Skirmisher
Chevron-4 Icon troop type infantry Infantry Icon troop type cavalry big Horseman Icon troop type bow Archer
Chevron-5 Icon troop type infantry Guard Icon troop type cavalry big Knight Icon troop type bow Marksman