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Unthery is a nobleman of Vlandia and a member of House dey Arromanc. He is the husband of Baroness Calatild and the father of Thomund, Silvind, and Lasand.

He is one of the nobles with extended dialogue, and may share his thoughts on the Battle of Pendraic.


According to his Personality Traits, Unthery is reported to be brave but headstrong. He also appears to be among the more loyal of King Derthert's vassals, if his dialogue is anything to go by, as he chastises certain Barons, like Aldric dey Tihr and Ingalther dey Cortain, as willfully ignoring King Derthert's plan at Pendraic.


Yes. I was tasked by Derthert with command of the crossbowmen.

Our knights spotted a mass of Aserai light infantry spread across a valley, and charged them. They weren't ready to meet the onslaught, and were routed. But then a bunch of Khuzait showed up and kept their distance, giving the knights a hard time, shooting their horses out from under them. That's when we showed up.

When it was just us fighting the horse archers, we were winning.. A man on foot can shoot as well or better than a man on horseback, all things being equal, and there were a lot more of us. So they started to go down and galloped off. The knights of course pursued, and that's when the problems started.

Imperial cataphracts showed up, armored head to foot and their horses too, so they just ignored our shooting and tore right through us. I was swept away in the retreat and saw no more of the battle. King Derthert had a good enough plan but the barons - Ingalther, Aldric, that lot - ignored him, as they always do.

— On the Battle of Pendraic