Mount & Blade Wiki

Torma is a village initially owned by the Kingdom of Sweden. It is subordinate to Vyborg, despite the distance between the two places.


Torma map
Pin Blue PlayerPin Green ElderPin Red Fugitive

Torma is built between a mountain and a river. It is a Swedish-style village with eight houses. The player starts between the river and a fence and needs to cross a bridge to get to the main part of the village. There are fields that grow cabbages, wheat and squash, and on the walls of some houses one can see hanging beef and garlic, suggesting that Dried Meat is produced here. There is also a fishing house complete with nets and a bowl of Smoked Fish.

The Village Elder can be found at the highest point of the village, under the hanging cloth.

If sent here during a Hunt Down Fugitive quest, the Nervous Man will hide beside the fishing house.

Wikipedia Wikipedia has an article on this subject at:
Torma, Estonia
Territory of the Kingdom of Sweden
Allenstein CastleDorpat FortressDynaburg FortressDzvinsk CastleNarvaVyborg