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Tapiau is a village initially owned by the Kingdom of Sweden, subordinate to Koenigsberg.


Tapiau map
Pin Blue PlayerPin Green ElderPin Red Fugitive

Tapiau is built in a valley in a mountainous terrain. It is a Swedish-style village with five houses. The player starts on a path that leads to the village. On the left side of the path is a wheat field. The path leads the player to the center of the village, where there is a boulder and a tree. To the left of the tree is a fenced area with two houses, and between them are four rows of grapevines. Access to the grapevines are blocked by invisible barriers. Near one of the aforementioned houses are also six baskets of apples. Going forward from the tree in the center of the village, also on the left side there is another house with a pile of wood next to it, enclosed by invisible barriers. Behind this house is a water well, and a storage shed containing two stacks of furs, three barrels of beer, and several sacks of unknown product. Beside this is an oven with seven loaves of bread next to it. On the right side of the village (from the perspective of the player's entrance) are two houses joined together, next to which is a field that grows cabbages, grapes and squash. This field is surrounded on three sides, but is accessible from the player's starting point. Behind these houses is another field with cabbages and squash, as well as another oven with fourteen loaves of bread. Access to these is blocked by invisible barriers. If one continues to go forward, one will reach a slope; going up that will access a windmill.

The Village Elder will stand in front of the cabbage, grape and squash field.

If sent here during a Hunt Down Fugitive quest, the Nervous Man will stand behind the house on the left furthest away from the player's entrance, in front of the oven.

Wikipedia Wikipedia has an article on this subject at:
Territory of the Kingdom of Sweden
Allenstein CastleDorpat FortressDynaburg FortressDzvinsk CastleNarvaVyborg