Tais is an Emir of the Aserai and the leader of the Banu Qild. He is the owner of Hubyar, Sahel Castle, and Shibal Zumr Castle, the husband of Ruma, and the father of Haqan, Manan, and Usair.
Once discovering Nimr Banu Sarran's affair with a Qildi woman, Tais ordered his abduction and execution in the town of Hubyar.
It is said that, once he heard a bard mock the Banu Qild for failing to stop their daughters from "[spending] time with the young men of more fun-loving noble families", Tais sent his soldiers to trash the house of the local merchant who sheltered the bard, one Sathan ibn Nasu.
“ | A sad day for the Banu Qild. But we had our vengeance.
There was a warrior named Nimr, of the Banu Sarran. He was brave, but arrogant. Of course the young people loved him. He wanted to lead men to fight with the Empire, and though there was no gain for us, Unqid let him. Unqid can be weak sometimes. Many Qildi youth went with him. They died in their hundreds. And there was no gain - except for Nimr, who for some reason people considered a hero. It was despicable how they fawned for him. Of course Nimr's arrogance doubled, and doubled again. And then he dealt us a great insult. I won't say what that insult was, because it no longer exists. We wiped it out. In the traditional way. You may ask someone else about that. |
” |
— on the Battle of Pendraic |