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Siauliai is a village initially owned by the Kingdom of Sweden, subordinate to Riga.


Siauliai map
Pin Blue PlayerPin Green ElderPin Red Fugitive

Siauliai is built in a hilly area, as a Swedish-style village with three groups of connected houses. To the left of the player's entrance is a field of grapes, squash and cabbages. In the center of the village there is an empty stable, as well as a frame with hooks on it, but it is unknown what this is used for. In front of the house nearby, there is a water trough, and on top of it a single throwing knife is placed. Beside this house is a shed that stores furs and wool. There are two areas surrounded by brick walls, and invisible barriers are placed above the walls, the height of which is out of reach by the player, so these intentions are unknown. In the backyard of another house is an oven and nine loaves of bread.

The Village Elder can be found standing under the shelter of a house to the right of the player's entrance, next to a barrel.

If sent here during a Hunt Down Fugitive quest, the Nervous Man will stand behind the area enclosed by brick wall.

Wikipedia Wikipedia has an article on this subject at:
Territory of the Kingdom of Sweden
Allenstein CastleDorpat FortressDynaburg FortressDzvinsk CastleNarvaVyborg