Mount & Blade Wiki

Ratsherr Otto Standbok is initially a vassal of the Kingdom of Sweden.

He begins the game as the ruler of Dorpat Fortress.

He is based on Gustaf Otto Stenbock, a real Swedish politician and soldier who lived from 1614 - 1685 and led armies during the Swedish invasion of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth known as the Deluge

Wikipedia Wikipedia has an article on this subject at:
Gustaf Otto Stenbock

Kingdom of Sweden
Monarch: Claimant:
King Carl Gustaf Former Queen Christina

Alexander LeslieAnders ErikssonArvid VittenbergBrahe WisingborgCarl Lebenhaupt
Christopher BjolkeDirich WernkenenFabian Von Wersen Frederick WilliamGustaf Evertsson Horn
Gustaf WrangelHans Von KoenigsmarkKonrad MarenfeldLennart TorstensonMagnus De la Gardie
Nilson KaggOrvar von GoyaOtto StandbokRobert DouglasSimon Grundel-Hemfet
