Mount & Blade Wiki

Ratsherr Lennart Torstenson is initially a vassal of the Kingdom of Sweden. At the start of a campaign, he is randomly given some villages.

The hero Karlsson once served under Torstenson's leadership.


  • Strangely, Karlsson refers to him as "General Lennart Torstenson", despite the fact that Torstenson bears the rank "Ratsherr" in-game.
  • Lennart Torstenson is based on a real person, but even though he could not ride a horse in real life due to health issues, he fights mounted in the game.
  • The real-life Lennart Tortensson died in 1651, four years before the setting of With Fire and Sword.
Wikipedia Wikipedia has an article on this subject at:
Lennart Torstensson
Kingdom of Sweden
Monarch: Claimant:
King Carl Gustaf Former Queen Christina

Alexander LeslieAnders ErikssonArvid VittenbergBrahe WisingborgCarl Lebenhaupt
Christopher BjolkeDirich WernkenenFabian Von Wersen Frederick WilliamGustaf Evertsson Horn
Gustaf WrangelHans Von KoenigsmarkKonrad MarenfeldLennart TorstensonMagnus De la Gardie
Nilson KaggOrvar von GoyaOtto StandbokRobert DouglasSimon Grundel-Hemfet
