Mount & Blade Wiki

For quests from other games, see Quests.

This page shows all the quests that are exclusive to the Viking Conquest or when certain aspects differ (for e.g. reward, or other particularities).

Main Story quests[]

The Revenge: Visit Doccinga[]

This is the first quest that you will encounter in the campaign. You need to find Thonkrik in Doccinga (generally after walking past the trainers and practicing warriors on the right). Thonkrik will try to dissuade you from finding Sven Bull-Neck, though you will not be convinced, leading you to your next quests.

Your Book Notes[]

This is more of a diary listing the story progress, though it shows up in the quest list.

The Revenge: Talk to the Jarl of Kennemer[]

Thonkrik suggested you that the Jarl might know where Sven is. Talking with Jarl will get him to offer you a place in the hunt for Sven if you perform some services for him, leading you the next quests.

The Revenge: Working for a Jarl[]

More of a diary type of quest listing your work for Jarl Hrodulf Haraldsson.

Jarl Mission: Judgement in the monastery[]

You will need to go to Willibrod monastery (close to Doccinga) to discuss with the abbot.

Once there, 3 main parties will be found in the Abbot's hall: a farmer, a monk and the abbot. The abbot claims that the document is proper and that the ownership of the land belongs to the church and the farmer will just tell you that he just inherited from his father, but with no documents. The abbot will call the monk. If you threaten the monk, the monk will confess that the abbot falsified the documents. If you threaten the farmer, he will just promise to comply and give the land to the monks. You will decide on the verdict, and have 4 options to end the quest: Monks(-4 reputation,+2 renown, 400 penningas and +5 relation with the Jarl), Farmer(+6 reputation,+2 renown and -3 relation with the Jarl), Jarl(-1 reputation,+2 renown and -3 relation with the Jarl) or nobody (+2 renown, -3 relation with the Jarl).

Jarl Mission: Recruiting Warriors[]

This is given to you by the Jarl once you finish the previous monastery quest. At the start you automatically get 18 renown and 1400 penningas. You just need to recruit 15 men and then return to the Jarl.

Jarl Missions: Thiaderd must die[]

Upon returning, the Jarl will give you more money and send you to kill Thiaderd. The Jarl will send you to meet your first (future) companion, Reginhard who you will find in the Dorestad mead hall. Once you complete the donation mission that he asks, Reginhard will join your party. This will also generate the Thiaderd's hideout temporary location (north of Dorestad, over the bridge). After meeting Thiaderd, the only outcome is a fight in which Thiaderd dies. If you lose the fight, you will die and you will need to use the last save.

Thiaderd forces consist of 18 Footpads and Thiaderd himself (all with shields and seaxes/axes and Thiaderd also has a sword so be careful to have a number of decent shielded troops as well).

If you win, you will have 4 options: kill them all and pillage and burn the camp (bigger renown, bigger reputation hit and small party morale hit); loot the lair but spare the inhabitants (reputation hit, some renown) ; we are not murderers, let them leave in peace (reputation gain); I need to recruit more men (which seems to be a bug, since that just lets you leave the location however to finish the quest you need to pick one of the options above).

Upon returning to the Jarl, you will get 1200 peningas and some renown.

Reginhard's Petition: A donation for war victims[]

After meeting Reginhard in Dorestad's mead hall, you will need find Adda and donate money on behalf of Reginhard. If you stroll through the town by exiting the mead hall, the house is right in from of you in the port. However, the entrance is through the stairs in the back.

The Revenge: Ask Sigurd "Snake in the Eye"[]

This is the next mission that you get from discussing with the Jarl after killing Thiaderd. This entails meeting and discussing with Jarl Sigur Ragnarsson

Jarl Mission: To Kill a King[]

This is generated by discussing with the Jarl and it entails his proposal to kill Konungr Hrorek Hemmingsson even if you decline though the interactions with him. You will actually do things within it after the win in Doccinga attack. Before speaking with any of the lords in the aftermath of the Doccinga defense, you should consider if you want to roam (trade) the world first as you will become the enemy of Friese, meaning that to enter and trade with Dorestad (which is instrumental for being a merchant) you will need to sneak into it.

If you decide to speak with them nonetheless, the mission will conclude with you being the bad guy, as the king will believe the Jarl and give you "a few days" to leave Friese before they start attacking you. Speaking with them, will conclude the mission.

Viking Attack: Save Doccinga from Sven's Assault[]

This is a quest that automatically appears after making a move on the overland map after you discuss with the Jarl. To complete the mission, you will need to go to Doccinga where a battle will ensue between Doccinga people+King's men+your men and Sven's vikings.

Prior to the battle, one Norse Freeholder (who is one of king's men) asks you if he should stay and fight or notify the king instead. If you ask him to stay, it does not look like you get more men, but if you notify the king you will get increased relation with the king and Friese.

Also, right as the battle starts, Thonkrik informs you that the Jarl will not come to aid, though you and the king sent a messenger. This seems to be just flavor, with no impact on any of the dialogue options that you pick.

The defenders, except your men, are Farmers from the villagers' side (positioned on the left ~35) and, Freeholders, Norse Spearmen, Norse Companions, one Standard Bearer and one Huskarl (who also holds a short speech before impact) positioned on the right (~43) and the attackers are Norse Freeholders, Vikingarnir and Danish Elite Vikingarnir (69 in total).

It's easy to win with low damage to yourself and friendlies but more complicated with normal damage. Except bringing as many troops as possible(55), player should look to contribute by finding a shield (a sword or at least a good spear if one already knows who to use it properly) and flank the enemies that come on the right section where shielded troops can resist more (if not win against their opponents by themselves).

This is a "permadeath" mission (if you lose you will be sent back to the game menu and you get a message that implies that you died).

Notes on Friese[]

This is more of a diary listing the story progress, though it shows up in the quest list. It will appear once you complete the monastery mission.

Gaelic Story quests[]

Notes on Eriu[]

Other quests[]

Village Elder[]

Apart from the usual native ones (bring wheat, cows or train the peasants), they will also give you these quests:

Bring back runaway slave[]

You will need to check the area around the village until you will find a temporary location named: Hideout. Once there, when discussing with the slave, you will have 4 options: I care little about your destiny. Follow me! (you will then bring the Slave back to the village for reputation with the village and 200 xp points); If death is awaiting you anyway, I will kill you right here (you will fight and kill the slave, finishing the quests instantly and gaining +1 with the village); Join my warband. and you won't need to go back to your master (the Slave will join you as a troop, you will lose -6 relation with the village in total and the quest will be cancelled; you will also need to stroll the village again to reach the local leader who will (sic!) mention to you that "you didn't find him"); Then leave now. I will pretend I haven't seen you (the Slave will leave, you will lose 4 relation in total with the village, the quest will cancel but you will gain experience, you will also need to stroll to local leader).

The "Help peasant" quest[]

seems to no longer be present in this module.

Fort Reeve[]

Recover Lute[]

Can also be obtained from Mayors in towns.

The reward promised is 300 penningas.

You will find it in one of the nearby villages, you need to ask the local leader. If the local leader responds with: "[...] I have heard some sweet sound of lute lately[...]" in his response, that means that the lute is in that village. You need to look around the village (for the "... Deserter" character). Once you locate and defeat the lute thief, you will lose reputation with the village but you will gain relation (and experience) once you return to the castle/town for completing the quest.

Bring x Loads of Stone[]

Pretty much the description, you don't need to get them from a quarry, though you will find them there in decent quantities (rarely also in towns). The mayors of towns can also give this quest.


Organize Feast[]

This is a quest that you can take from your minister every 6 days (3 days for the ongoing feast in your kingdom to finish, either if you are organizing it or one of the other lords + 3 days to pass until it finished). The minister is present only on your court.

You need at least a sufficient number of items in your Household Possessions storage (food, jewelry, drink and comfort). Once the feast is over, the "quest" will be considered completed.

Lords that attend the feast will get a +1 modifier to relations depending on how much time they spent feasting. Occasionally you will also get a +5 modifier (once?) with each lord if they are present in your hall.




Raid monastery[]

Only given by pagan lords.


Become Ard Ruire Over All Eriu[]

You get this quest from the Goidelic Chronicler.

The Chronicler has promised to write about your life and proclaim to the world that you are the Ard Ruire of Eriu if you conquer the towns: Aileach, Cruaghan and Temair.

Become Vrenhin Lloegr Over All Britons[]

You get this quest from the Briton Chronicler.

The Chronicler has promised to write about your life and proclaim to the world that you are the Ard Ruire of Eriu if you conquer the towns:

Ynis Moon, Bosvenegh and Caer Dyf.

Become Brytenwalda Over All Englaland[]

You get this quest from the Angle Chronicler.

The Chronicler has promised to write about your life and proclaim to the world that you are the Ard Ruire of Eriu if you conquer the towns:

Lundenwick, Witan Caester and Jorvik.

Become Norse Kronungr Over All Scandinavia[]

You get this quest from the Norse Chronicler.

The Chronicler has promised to write about your life and proclaim to the world that you are the Ard Ruire of Eriu if you conquer the towns:

Ribe, Tunsberg and Dorestad.
