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Personality Traits is a game concept introduced in Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord as part of the singleplayer side of the game.

Official Description[]

Personality traits represent a character's reputation. They affect your relations with everyone in your realm, and possibly even your enemies too. For NPC's, they also represent the character's assumptions about what succeeds in the world: should you rigidly keep your oaths, or is everyone flexible and promises are for fools? Should you plan your every move with a long-term goal in mind, or will people not trust you if you don't show a bit of emotion? The traits are: Valor/Caution, Mercy/Cruelty, Honor/Deviousness, Generosity/Disloyalty, and Calculation/Emotional. Generally the first of these is viewed more favorably than the second, but not always: Generous leaders, loyal to troops, are great for commanding armies, but you might want a judge to be a bit more impartial. NPC's personality traits are fixed, whereas you, the player, will develop your traits by your actions within the game. More information is available as you mouse over them.

List of Personality Traits[]

There are a lot more Personality traits in the game code, but the following are the only ones which currently can be found on characters:

  • Cerebral (Calculating 2)
  • Calculating (Calculating 1)
  • Impulsive (Calculating -1)
  • Hotheaded (Calculating -2)
  • Munificent (Generosity 2)
  • Generous (Generosity 1)
  • Closefisted (Generosity -1)
  • Tightfisted (Generosity -2)
  • Honorable (Honor 2)
  • Honest (Honor 1)
  • Devious (Honor -1)
  • Deceitful (Honor -2)
  • Compassionate (Mercy 2)
  • Merciful (Mercy 1)
  • Cruel (Mercy -1)
  • Sadistic (Mercy -2)
  • Fearless (Valor 2)
  • Daring (Valor 1)
  • Cautious (Valor -1)
  • Very Cautious (Valor -2)

Note: The trait value thresholds for each trait level are -4000 (-2), -1000 (-1), 0 (0), 1000 (1), and 4000 (2).


Personality traits can affect the last sentence in the hero's description in the encyclopedia, "They have the reputation of being....".

Some combination of traits can override others.

One Trait Personalities[]

Merciful (Mercy 1) = Kind

Calculating (Calculating 1) = Ambitious  

Cautious (Valor -1) = Conventional

Daring (Valor 1) = Daring

Honest (Honor 1) = Honourable

Generous (Generosity 1) = Generous To Friends

No Trait = Thoroughly Conventional

Two Traits Personalities[]

Honest (Honor 1) + Calculating (Calculating 1) = The Type Who Tries Hard To Be Just and Fair

Impulsive (Calculating -1) + Daring (Valor 1) = Brave But Headstrong

Generous (Generosity 1) + Daring (Valor 1) = Brave And Generous, A Good Friend To Have

Generous (Generosity 1) + Cruel (Mercy -1) = Good Friend But Dangerous Enemy

Merciful (Mercy 1) + Cautious (Valor -1) = Kind But Cautious

Merciful (Mercy 1) + Calculating (Calculating 1) = Helpful

Daring (Valor 1) + Calculating (Calculating 1) = Daring And Ambitious

Generous (Generosity 1) + Honest (Honor 1) = Noble and Generous

Cautious (Valor -1) + Closefisted (Generosity -1) = Aloof

Merciful (Mercy 1) + Generous (Generosity 1) = Considerate Of Others

Closefisted (Generosity -1) + Calculating (Calculating 1) = Tight-Fisted

Closefisted (Generosity -1) + Honest (Honor 1) = Just And Honest, But Ungrateful

Closefisted (Generosity -1) + Devious (Honor -1) = Dishonourable In Every Way

Daring (Valor 1) + Merciful (Mercy 1) = Brave But Merciful

Honest (Honor 1) + Merciful (Mercy 1) = Decent And Kind

Generous (Generosity 1) + Calculating (Calculating 1) = Attentive, Careful To Reward Loyal Followers.

Generous (Generosity 1) + Devious (Honor -1) = Clever And Roguish

Generous (Generosity 1) + Impulsive (Calculating -1) = Profligate

Cruel (Mercy -1) + Calculating (Calculating 1) = Ruthless

Calculating (Calculating 1) + Devious (Honor -1) = Cunning

Daring (Valor 1) + Honest (Honor 1) = Brave and Honorable

Three Trait Personalities[]

Closefisted (Generosity -1) + Daring (Valor 1) + Cruel (Mercy -1) = Fierce And Cruel

Closefisted (Generosity -1) + Devious (Honor -1) + Cruel (Mercy -1) = Sadistic

Generous (Generosity 1) + Honest (Honor 1) + Impulsive (Calculating -1) = Noble And Generous

Generous (Generosity 1) + Cautious (Valor -1) + Calculating (Calculating 1) = Decent But Cautious

Closefisted (Generosity -1) + Cruel (Mercy -1) + Calculating (Calculating 1) = Icy

Devious (Honor -1) + Cautious (Valor -1) + Calculating (Calculating 1)= Untrustworthy

Generous (Generosity 1) + Devious (Honor -1) + Daring (Valor 1) = Clever And Roguish

Four Trait Personalities[]

Generous (Generosity 1) + Honest (Honor 1) + Daring (Valor 1) + Merciful (Mercy 1) = Galant

Generous (Generosity 1) + Devious (Honor -1) + Daring (Valor 1) + Impulsive (Calculating -1) = Passionate And Brave Though Sometimes Without Thinking Things Through.

Generous (Generosity 1) + Honest (Honor 1) + Cruel (Mercy -1) + Impulsive (Calculating -1) = Honorable, But Stiff-Necked And Cruel

Devious (Honor -1) + Cautious (Valor -1) + Merciful (Mercy 1) + Calculating (Calculating 1) = Devious But Soft-Headed

Generous (Generosity 1) + Devious (Honor -1) + Merciful (Mercy 1) + Calculating (Calculating 1) = friendly but manipulative

Generous (Generosity 1) + Daring (Valor 1) + Cruel (Mercy -1) + Impulsive (Calculating -1) = Brave But Easily Enraged And Unforgiving

Five Trait Personalities[]

Generous (Generosity 1) + Devious (Honor -1) + Daring (Valor 1) + Cruel (Mercy -1) + Impulsive (Calculating -1) = Mad, Bad And Dangerous To Know

Generous (Generosity 1) + Devious (Honor -1) + Daring (Valor 1) + Cruel (Mercy -1) + Calculating (Calculating 1) = Loyal To Friends, But Also Cruel And Manipulative

Closefisted (Generosity -1) + Honest (Honor 1) + Daring (Valor 1) + Cruel (Mercy -1) + Impulsive (Calculating -1) = Pitiless

Increase/Decrease Trait Value ratings[]

Default consequences[]

  • Lord Executed Honor Penalty = -1000
  • Troops Sacrificed Valor Penalty = -30
  • Village Raided Mercy Penalty = -30
  • Party Starving Generosity Penalty = has a chance every day of giving - 20 generosity
  • Party Treated Well Generosity Bonus = has a chance every day of giving + 20 generosity
  • Persuasion Defection Calculating Bonus = 20

Winning battles gives you valor based on a relative troop strength comparison between you and your enemy, and your party's contribution to the battle (this seems to be bugged, with valor being impossible to obtain outside of the character creation section).

Siege Aftermath Action[]

Mercy points change:

  • Devastate Town = -50
  • Devastate Castle= -30
  • Show Mercy Town = 20
  • Show Mercy Castle = 10

Town Quests[]

Purchase Stolen Goods

  • Buy the goods, then give to merchant: +150 Calculating and relation increase to every notable in Town
  • Buy the goods, then refuse to give them back +100 Calculating
  • Take the goods by force, then refuse to give them back +100 Calculating
  • Take the goods by force, then give to merchant +100 Honor and relation increase to every notable in Town

Overpriced Raw Materials[]

  • Complete: +100 Honor and respect by the people

Gang Leader Needs Weapons[]

  • Complete: No Trait Change

Help With Brigands[]

  • Complete: No trait change
  • Fail: No trait change

Gang Needs Recruits[]

  • Complete: 30 honour

Rival Gang Moving In[]

  • Betray Quest Giver: -100 Honour
  • Stay True To Quest Giver: +50 Honour

Artisan Can't Sell Products[]

  • Deliver the Goods: +50 Honour
  • Give Goods Back: -50 Honour

Betting Fraud[]

  • Fail: No Trait Change
  • Complete: No trait change
  • Accept Counteroffer: No trait change

Associate Captured By Bounty Hunter[]

  • Complete: +100 Honour
  • Fail: -10 Honor

Caravan Ambush[]

  • Attack The Bandits Before: No Trait Change
  • Attack When Caravan Is Attacked: No trait change
  • Fail To Intervene: No trait change

Army Of Poachers[]

  • Kill Them: +50 Honour
  • Discuss With Them: +10 Honour, +50 Mercy
  • Let Them Go: -50 Honour, +20 Mercy

Snare the wealthy[]

  • Rob the caravan: -100 Honor, +50 Calculating
  • Save the caravan: +100 Honor
  • Rob the caravan and keep ALL the loot: -200 Honor , +100 Calculating

Special weapon order[]

  • Complete: +30 Honor
  • Fail:

Escort merchant caravan[]

  • Complete: +50 honor
  • Fail: -20 honor

Village Quests[]

Family Feud

  • Defend The Guy And Kill Body Guard: No Trait Change
  • Let them kill the guy: -50 honor

Inn And Out[]

  • Complete: No trait change

Needs seeds[]

  • Complete: +70 Mercy, +50 Generosity

Extortion By Deserters[]


  • 1: Take Whole payment: +20 Honour
  • 2: Take Half Payment: +40 Honour
  • 3: Reject Payment: +60 Honour


Landowner Needs Manual Labourers[]

This mission has 2 variations, one where another notable from the village speaks with you, and one where this does not happen.

1 Variation Notable able approaches

  • Share Winnings With Village: +30 Honour
  • Break The Deal: +20 Mercy, +20 Generosity, -10 Honour
  • Ignore The Notable: -20 Mercy, +30 Honour

2 Variation:

  • Deliver Prisoners: +30 Honour, -20 Mercy

Needs help with brigands[]

  • Complete: No Trait Change

Village Needs Draught Animals[]

There are 2 variations of this quest. One where they ask to pay less and one where they don't ask.

1 Variation:

  • Agree To Pay Less= +30 Mercy, +30 Honour
  • Agree To Agreed Amount: -20 Mercy, +30 Honour

2 Variation:

  • Complete: +30 Honour

Needs Tools[]

  • Complete: +30 Honour

Wants Daughter Found[]

  • Believe Daughter: No Trait Change
  • Convince Daughter: No Trait Change

Needs Access To XXXX Commons[]

  • Attack Headsman, Kill Them: +30 Honour, -20 Mercy
  • Agree With Peasants: -50 Honour, +20 Mercy

Deliver Herd[]

  • Keep Herd: -30 Honour
  • Give Herd:+30 Honour

Needs Grain Seeds[]

  • Complete: +70 Mercy, +50 Generosity

Train Troops[]

  • Complete 20 Alive: +50 Honour
  • Complete 19 Alive: +30 Honor
  • Complete 10 Alive:
  • Fail:

Bandit Base Near[]

  • Complete: +50 Honour
  • Fail:

Lord Missions[]

Wants Lord Captured[]

  • Complete:
  • Fail:

Revenue Farming[]

  • 1 All Villages Paid Enough: +30 Honour
  • 2 All Villages 50/50 Discussion: +30 Honour
  • 3 All Villages Reject The Villagers: +30 Honour, - Relation With Village
