The Palaic people were a group of tribes inhabiting the continent of Calradia prior to the arrival of Calradios and the creation of his empire. They dominated a good portion of the territories that today constitute the Empire, with cities such as Lageta, Lycaron, Phycaon, and possible others originally being built by them. Just like the Battanians, the Palaics have almost disappeared, their language and culture being destroyed when the imperials conquered them. Their language being forgotten, their very name is lost to history, 'Palaic' being a name given to them by the Imperials.
- The term "Palaic" is used by the imperials to designate several peoples and tribes, which makes this term similar to the real-world term "Gallic", which was used by the Romans to designate the Celtic peoples that inhabited central and western Europe.
- "Palaic" was a real language spoken in ancient Anatolia by the Palaic peoples in a region in northern Anatolia, called Pala.