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Olek the Old was a Knyaz of Sturgia and the previous leader of clan Kuloving. He was the father of Knyaz Olek the Young, Siga, and the late Varra.


Olek was known for the role he played in the Battle of Pendraic in the year 1077. After Grand Prince Vadinslav Gundaroving perished in the battle, Olek would go on to lead the Sturgian infantry against the imperial camp. During the melee, Emperor Drosios Neretzes was slain and Olek took possession of his Dragon Banner. When Vladinslav's son, then-Prince Raganvad, arrived on the scene, he demanded Olek give him the banner, an act which was taken as an affront. Olek instead broke the banner apart and threw it at Raganvad's feet.


After Olek the Old's death, his son succeeded him as Knyaz. Olek the Young would continue to hold a grudge against Raganvad for the dishonor done to his father, spurring him to call for the figure of the Grand Prince's authority to be diminished.

Official Description[]

Olek the Old was a boyar of the Kuloving, the fiercest and most conservative of the Sturgian noble houses. He fell at the battle of Pendraic, leading from the front - as many say Raganvad should have done.