Mount & Blade Wiki

Olek, also known by his epithet the Young, is a Knyaz of Sturgia and the leader of clan Kuloving. He is the son of the late Knyaz Olek the Old, the brother of Siga and the late Varra, and the father of Urik, Idrun, and Rozhivol.

He holds a great deal of animosity towards Raganvad Gundaroving for insulting his father's honor at the Battle of Pendraic, where the then-future Grand Prince demanded the fallen Emperor Drosios Neretzes' Dragon Banner, even though it had been Olek the Old and his troops who had slain the Emperor.


A victory, won by my father, claimed by Raganvad.

Old king Vadinslav was brave enough. He led us all into battle. I stood at my father's side as we faced the imperials eye-to-eye over the tops of our shields. It was like any battle where shield walls meet - thrust and push, struggling to stay on your feet, but you can't really describe it. Let's just say it's the kind of battle that Sturgians usually win.

When the imperials had had enough of us they broke and ran for the ramparts. There they threw darts and rocks and their cursed fire. We had to go up ladders, one by one. Vadinslav was hit by a mace and went down; my father then went up, cleaving as he went, and rallied us and led us to victory.

My father took the imperial Dragon Banner from dead Neretzes' hands - it's a famous story - and but then the little prince Raganvad tried to claim it. My father broke it over his knee, threw it at him, and told him to get his own toys to play with. Hah! It was a good, good day.

— on the Battle of Pendraic
Our family have been the masters of this corner of the woods since the gods willed that the trees grow and the rivers flow. Someone wants to call himself the Prince of the Sturgians? We have no quarrel with that. Just let that prince know that on our land, we're still the masters.
— on Politics