Mount & Blade Wiki

Oil is a moderately high-value, non-consumable trade good found in the first three Mount&Blade games.

In Warband, oil is the product of an oil press, which requires olives. Oil is needed to light lamps at feasts in Warband. You can own an oil press with the initial cost of 4,500 denars and a cost of 80 denars per week. it requires an input of 6 olives (is automatically purchased by business, but can be bought by the player for cheaper) and produces 2 oil. The average profit is 220 denars and has a return of 4.9%, but has a high probability of lowering because of the large resource input driving up olive prices.

Oil can be bought cheaply at Suno, Uxkhal, and Yalen and can be sold for the most profit in Ahmerrad, Bariyye, Praven, and Sargoth.


Two jars of oil.

Foods BarleyBeefBeerBreadBoar MeatButterCabbagesCheeseChicken
Dried MeatFlourFruitGrainGrapesHoneyOlivesPorkSausages
Smoked FishVegetables
Trade AleAmberDate FruitDyesFlax BundleFursHempHidesIron
JewelleryLeatherworkLinenMeadOilPotteryPowderRaw SilkSalt
Walrus IvoryWineWoolWool Cloth