Mount & Blade Wiki

Nord Huntsmen are troops of the Kingdom of Nords. Arguably the worst archer unit in the game, having even less armor than Nord Recruits.

They upgrade straight from Nord Recruits, and are the basic Nordic ranged troops. They are the only ranged troop that can be recruited at the second tier, other than the Rhodok Crossbowman, and are basically Looters with bows who always wear Rawhide Coats.


Nord Huntsmen are decent troops at range, but they are risky to use as they have very weak armor and very weak weapons. Because of their light Hunting Bows, they can fire faster than nearly any other archer available, allowing large groups of Nord Huntsmen to unleash a nearly continuous storm of arrows on an enemy. The weakness of their bows, however, means that they only pose a serious threat to lightly armored targets and are little more than an annoyance to anything wearing even the lightest of metal armor and shields.

Upgrading these units gives them access to better weapons and armor, which they will need in order to do anything more than bandit hunting. As a low tier troop, Nord Huntsmen will level up fairly quickly.

Stats and equipment[]

Nord Huntsman - Default Stats and Equipment
Stat Points
Level 11
Strength 10
Agility 5
Intelligence 4
Charisma 4
Health 47
Rawhide Coat
Hide Boots
Skill Points
Ironflesh 1
Power Strike ?
Power Throw ?
Power Draw 1
Weapon Master ?
Shield ?
Athletics 2
Riding ?
Horse Archery ?
Looting ?
Trainer ?
Tracking ?
Tactics ?
Path-finding ?
Spotting ?
Inventory Management ?
Wound Treatment ?
Surgery ?
First Aid ?
Engineer ?
Persuasion ?
Prisoner Management ?
Leadership ?
Trade ?
Weapon Type Points
One Handed Weapons 60
Two Handed Weapons 60
Polearms 60
Archery 70
Crossbows 60
Throwing 60
Hunting Bow, Arrows

Troops of the Nords
Icon troop type infantry Sea Raider
Chevron-1 Icon troop type infantry Recruit
Chevron-2 Icon troop type infantry Footman Icon troop type bow Huntsman
Chevron-3 Icon troop type infantry Trained Footman Icon troop type bow Archer
Chevron-4 Icon troop type infantry Warrior Icon troop type bow Veteran Archer
Chevron-5 Icon troop type infantry Veteran
Chevron-6 Icon troop type infantry Huscarl