Mount & Blade Wiki

The Nokhor is a heavy cavalryman of the Crimean Khanate.

The Nokhor is armed with a lance and shield. One of the best lancers in the game, they are the underrated rivals of the Winged Hussars. They occasionally spawn with a sword in sieges, but not all the time.



  • Must join the Crimean Khanate
  • Mercenary Captain to be appointed for Fortress/towns

Cost: 114 Thalers

Days Needed: 4 (Copper)


  • Kzelev Fortress
  • Azaq-Kale


Nokhors are best employed charging the enemy with a couched lance. It is important to remember that unlike some other cavalry, they are not good for flanking because they lose speed when doing so, thus flanking Nokhors are unable to couch their lance. A lance that is not couched does a lot less damage. Perhaps allowing them a straight path to the enemy once behind them will allow them to couch their lances, however.

Stats and equipment[]

Note: Troops have a set of default stats; at the beginning of a new game, these stats are randomly adjusted for each type of troop. The following is the default set for this troop as seen within the game code and may not reflect the specific stats you will see during actual gameplay. For more information, see troop stats.
Nokhor - Default Stats and Equipment
Stat Points
Level 21
Strength 10
Agility 9
Intelligence 0
Charisma 0
Health 49
Tatar Helmet
Eastern Boots
Skill Points
Ironflesh 2
Power Strike 3
Grenade Throwing 0
Power Draw 0
Weapon Master 6
Shield 7
Athletics 0
Riding 5
Shooting from Horseback 0
Looting 0
Trainer 0
Tracking 0
Tactics 0
Path-finding 0
Spotting 0
Inventory Management 0
Wound Treatment 0
Surgery 0
First Aid 0
Engineer 0
Persuasion 0
Prisoner Management 0
Leadership 0
Trade 0
Weapon Type Points
One Handed Weapons 180
Two Handed Weapons 160
Polearms 170
Archery 0
Firearms 0
Throwing 0
Cavalry Lance
Steel Shield

Troops of the Crimeans
Village Recruits Icon troop type infantry Nomad
Garrison Militia Icon troop type cavalry big Bajrak (veteran) Icon troop type horse archer big Kapikulu (veteran)
Regular Troops Icon troop type infantry Nomad
Icon troop type cavalry big Oglan (veteran)
Icon troop type horse archer big Jasaq (veteran)
Guard Infantry Icon troop type bow Seymen (veteran)
Heavy Cavalry Icon troop type cavalry big Asak Bey (veteran)
Icon troop type horse archer big Mirza Chambul (veteran)
Personal Guard Cavalry Icon troop type cavalry big Nokhor (veteran)
Camp Mercenaries
(northwest of Ak-Mechet)
Icon troop type infantry Tatar Mercenary Infantryman (recruit) • (experienced) • (veteran) • (elite)
Icon troop type bow Tatar Mercenary Rifleman (recruit) • (experienced) • (veteran) • (elite)
Icon troop type horse archer big Tatar Mercenary Cavalryman (recruit) • (experienced) • (veteran) • (elite)
Regional Mercenaries
(Kezlev FortressIzum Fortress)
Icon troop type cavalry big Nogai (veteran)
Regional Mercenaries
(Azaq-kaleKilburun Fortress)
Icon troop type horse archer big Circassian (veteran)
Ottoman Mercenaries Icon troop type infantry Azap (veteran)
Icon troop type bow Janissary (veteran)
Icon troop type horse archer big Cebelu (veteran)