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New Order Marksmen are a Russian version of Polish Zolnier, or Swedish Musketeers.

These soldiers are equipped with slightly better armor (New Line Helmets and New Order clothing, which is stronger than regular Marksman garb), and are slightly more trained in melee combat and shooting. This comes at a price though, as they have higher wages than Marksmen.



Like any other marksmen unit, they work well in firing lines. Under the fire at will command, a good number of New Order Marksmen (50 or more) will provide a constant musket fire, preventing enemies from getting close. Marksmen can also be used as anti-cavalry for a short time. When a battle begins, arrange them in rows quickly and deploy them in a good position in the map, wait for the enemy cavalry to get close before giving them the order to open fire. While waiting for the enemy to get close, arrange your cavalry in attacking formation so that they can relieve the Marksmen when they get overrun by enemy troops.

During a siege, New Order Marksmen will excel in shooting down defenders. New Order Marksmen shouldn't be used to storm fortifications because they lack heavy armor and weaponry in melee combat. At the start of a siege, hold your other troops and let the New Order Marksmen open fire in a safe distance in rows, let them empty all their bullets before deploying your other troops to attack.

Stats and equipment[]

Note: Troops have a set of default stats; at the beginning of a new game, these stats are randomly adjusted for each type of troop. The following is the default set for this troop as seen within the game code and may not reflect the specific stats you will see during actual gameplay. For more information, see Troop stats.
New Order Marksman - Default Stats and Equipment
Stat Points
Level 11
Strength 10
Agility 7
Intelligence 0
Charisma 0
Health 53
New Line Helmet
New Line Uniform
Cossack Boots
Skill Points
Ironflesh 4
Power Strike 0
Grenade Throwing 0
Power Draw 0
Weapon Master 2
Shield 0
Athletics 3
Riding 1
Shooting from Horseback 0
Looting 0
Trainer 0
Tracking 0
Tactics 0
Path-finding 0
Spotting 0
Inventory Management 2
Wound Treatment 0
Surgery 0
First Aid 0
Engineer 0
Persuasion 0
Prisoner Management 1
Leadership 1
Trade 1
Weapon Type Points
One Handed Weapons 80
Two Handed Weapons 60
Polearms 70
Archery 0
Firearms 110
Throwing 0
Simple Wheellock Musket, Heavy Bullets

Wikipedia Wikipedia has an article on this subject at:
New Order Regiments
Troops of the Muscovites
Village Recruits Icon troop type infantry Staff Militiaman
Garrison Militia Icon troop type infantry Lance Militiaman (veteran) Icon troop type bow Posad Marksman (veteran)
Regular Infantry Icon troop type infantry Staff Militiaman
Icon troop type bow Marksman (veteran)
Icon troop type infantry Marksman Spearman (veteran)
Guard Infantry Icon troop type bow New Order Marksman (veteran)
Icon troop type infantry New Order Spearman (veteran)
Regular Cavalry Icon troop type horse archer big Armed Serf (veteran)
Heavy Cavalry Icon troop type horse archer big Moscow Reiter (veteran)
Icon troop type horse archer big Gentry Cavalryman (veteran)
Personal Guard Cavalry Icon troop type cavalry big Noble Guard (veteran)
Camp Mercenaries
(southwest of Moscow)
Icon troop type infantry Muscovite Mercenary Infantryman (recruit) • (experienced) • (veteran) • (elite)
Icon troop type bow Muscovite Mercenary Rifleman (recruit) • (experienced) • (veteran) • (elite)
Icon troop type horse archer big Muscovite Mercenary Cavalryman (recruit) • (experienced) • (veteran) • (elite)
Regional Mercenaries
(CherkasskIzum Fortress)
Icon troop type horse archer big Village Cossack (veteran)
National Mercenaries Icon troop type horse archer big Kalmyk (veteran)
Icon troop type infantry German Infantry Pikeman (veteran)
Icon troop type bow German Infantry Musketeer (veteran)
Unrecruitable Icon troop type infantry Tsar Bodyguard