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Mesui is a vassal of the Khuzait Khanate and the head of the Khergit clan.


As the Calradic Empire marched to war against the Battanians, Sturgians and Vlandians, the men of the Khuzaits were paid to join them as mercenaries. Among these soldiers were Mesui’s husband, her two brothers and countless other cousins. However, at the Battle of Pendraic, the Empire was decisively defeated and her relatives killed, with her husband being ridden down by Vlandian horsemen. When word reached home that many of the Khergit clansmen were dead, the other vassal clans took the opportunity to exploit their vulnerability and raid their herds, Monchug doing nothing to stop them.

In-game description[]

Mesui is the leader of the Khergit. Once one of the largest clans in the Khuzait confederacy, they suffered many losses during Urkhun Khan's conquests and their lands were subsequently targeted by other tribes. Mesui has ruthlessly defended he clan's rights, and frequently complained about the injustices suffered by smaller clans that she says have shed blood for the khanate without reaping any rewards.


I curse that name. It took from me my husband, two brothers, more cousins than I can count.

The Khergits were never the richest of the clans, but we made up for it with our valor. When word spread that the Emperor was promising silver for men to ride at his side, against the Sturgians and Battanians and others, of course our young brave boys lept at the chance. My husband, the bravest and best of them all, led them.

We fought the Vlandians. We won, but there was a great slaughter. My husband's horse was slain and he was ridden down, though he died amid a pile of Vlandian dead. Elsewhere on the field, the Emperor was having his head hewn off with a Sturgian axe, and thus was in no position to pay us.

Such are the fortunes of war. But what came afterwards... When word spread of what happened to our menfolk, the other clans - the Arkits in particular - knew we were weak. Our herds were raided. Anyone who protested was killed. Monchug did little to stop it. It taught us that valor will get you killed, but treachery will make you rich.

— On the Battle of Pendraic


Mesui's appearance and gear have changed across versions. As of post-release version 1.0.3, her right eye is blind, the result of an injury that also resulted in a facial scar.
