Mount & Blade Wiki
For the Bannerlord version, see Mercenary Cavalry (Bannerlord).

Mercenary Cavalry are tier-five mercenary cavalry in Mount&Blade and Warband.


Despite their tier, their fighting ability is generally held to be comparable to - or slightly weaker than - Vaegir Knights, hence many players consider Mercenary Cavalry not worth their higher wages. Still, their relative abundance can be enticing and that they can be used as pit-stop fill-ins for missing cavalry in one's army is also beneficial and they do this job well enough.

Although Mercenary Cavalry are fairly well armored, they wear hide boots and no gloves. This does make them much more vulnerable than knights in combat because, being mounted troops, most attacks will hit their legs rather than their body - their body armor, however, does compensate slightly for this by extending below the waist, thus granting them additional leg armor. They are armed with Heavy Lances and either a Bastard Sword or a standard Sword in combination with a Heater Shield. Their horses are either Hunters or War Horses, making them slightly more vulnerable than knights while being slightly more maneuverable and generally faster.

Mercenary Cavalry are good for beginner-to-mid-level players who require a decently strong escort since they are very powerful troops and their relative abundance makes it rather easy to amass a large force of them. They are faster than other top-tier cavalry and, when unhorsed, still match up to high-tier infantry. They are great for filling missing places for heavy cavalry and can hold their own against high-tier cavalry. Unfortunately, Mercenary Cavalry are no match for most factions' top tier cavalry - they have been known to defeat Khergit Lancers but Sarranid Mamlukes and Swadian Knights will make short work of them in single combat yet groups of 2-3 Mercenary Cavalry can overpower them.

It is ultimately up to the player whether to spend their money on these troops - they are expensive and not overwhelmingly effective but, against low-or-mid-tier infantry, can give a good account of themselves and, as long as they do not stop charging, can even defeat top-tier infantry. Like all mercenaries, their main strength is that, unlike faction troops, they can be recruited combat-ready instead of requiring training - picking up a squad of them early is the fastest way to protect the player from bandits without sacrificing mobility, provided the player can get enough money to recruit them and pay their wages.

Stats and Equipment[]

Note: Troops have a set of default stats; at the beginning of a new game, these stats are randomly adjusted for each type of troop. The following is the default set for this troop as seen within the game code and may not reflect the specific stats you will see during actual gameplay. For more information, see troop stats.
Mercenary Cavalry - Default Stats and Equipment
Stat Points
Level 25
Strength 7
Agility 5
Intelligence 4
Charisma 4
Health 50
Kettle Hat
Flat Topped Helmet
Helmet with Neckguard
Mail Coif
Cuir Bouilli
Banded Armor
Hide Boots
Skill Points
Ironflesh 4
Power Strike 4
Power Throw ?
Power Draw ?
Weapon Master ?
Shield 5
Athletics ?
Riding 5
Horse Archery ?
Looting ?
Trainer ?
Tracking ?
Tactics ?
Path-finding ?
Spotting ?
Inventory Management 2
Wound Treatment ?
Surgery ?
First Aid ?
Engineer ?
Persuasion ?
Prisoner Management 1
Leadership 1
Trade 2
Weapon Type Points
One Handed Weapons 130
Two Handed Weapons 130
Polearms 130
Archery 130
Crossbows 130
Throwing 130
Heavy Lance
Bastard Sword
Heater Shield
War Horse

M&B Mercenary Troops M&BWB
Sellswords Sword Sisters
Chevron-1 Icon troop type infantry Farmer Icon troop type infantry Townsman Icon troop type cavalry big Caravan Master Icon troop type infantry Peasant Woman Icon troop type infantry Refugee
Chevron-2 Icon troop type infantry Watchman Icon troop type infantry Camp Follower
Chevron-3 Icon troop type bow Mercenary Crossbowman Icon troop type cavalry big Caravan Guard Icon troop type infantry Bandit Icon troop type infantry Camp Defender
Chevron-4 Icon troop type cavalry big Mercenary Horseman Icon troop type infantry Mercenary Swordsman Icon troop type cavalry big Brigand Icon troop type infantry Huntress
Chevron-5 Icon troop type cavalry big Mercenary Cavalry Icon troop type infantry Hired Blade Icon troop type cavalry big Sword Sister