Mount & Blade Wiki

Mawiti is a village of the Sarranid Sultanate. It is economically tied to the town of Ahmerrad.


Mawiti map
Pin Blue PlayerPin Green ElderPin Red Fugitive

The Village Elder is located on the porch of a building to the left from where the player enters.

Mawiti is built mostly in a valley in hilly terrain with scattered clusters of palm trees. It has a total of five structures as well as a tent. There are two fields here growing wheat. A horse-driven mill is encircled with a low stone wall while two hunters are standing inside the tent and two coursers are stabled against the side of a building.

If sent here during a Hunt Down Fugitive quest, the target may be found in a back corner of the tent, next to a water trough.

Territory of the Sarranid Sultanate
Bardaq CastleCaraf CastleDurrin CastleJameyyed CastleSamarra CastleSharwa Castle
Teramma CastleWeyyah Castle
AabAyn AssuadiDhibbainFisharaHabbaHawahaIqbaylMawitiMazigh
MijayetMit NunQalyutRushdighSekhtemShibal ZumrTamnuhTazjunatTilimsal