Mount & Blade Wiki

Languages found throughout the world of Calradia in the Mount&Blade franchise.


According to the Bannerlord in-game encyclopedia, the Battanian language has slowly gone extinct. It is said that the village of Cantrec is one of the places where the last speakers of the native Battanian tongue reside.


Calradic is the common language of all Calradia although foreign-born companions seem to know it, either having learned it within or outside Calradia. Calradic was the language of the Calradic Empire, whose imposition of it upon their conquests caused the loss of many native languages.


The Pre-Calradic language is mentioned several times within the in-game encyclopedia descriptions of villages as "Pre-Calradia" or "Archaic Calradic" - many names of imperial and Vlandian towns and villages have names stemming from Pre-Calradic.


The various dialects of the original peoples of the Nahasa desert formed the Nahasi language used by the Aserai.


The Kannic tongue is an all-but-extinct language related to Nahasi, used by the Kannic people centuries before the Calradic Empire. The language was originally spoken near Razih and in their colonies, such as Quyaz. The language would go extinct as Nahasi-speaking peoples took possession of Kannic cities.


Darshi is the language of the Khuzait and other steppe nomads beyond the Calradic Empire's eastern border. The in-game encyclopedia states the village of Corenia is the easternmost imperial settlement where Calradic is spoken and only Darshi is used beyond it.


The native language of the Palaic people from before the tribe's submission to the Calradic Empire. There are few spearkers of this ancient language left by Bannerlord's starting year of 1084, with Arzagos being one of the few living ones.


The native language of the original inhabitants of northern Calradia before the arrival of Nordic fur traders. The Vakken speakers were foresters and trappers in the snow-covered lands where they formed a tribal society and their language is still thought to be spoken by the Forest People.
