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The Lake Rats are a minor clan of Sturgia. They are dangerous, uncaring barbarian plunderers and raiders that operate on the Sturgian coast and sometimes in Vlandia. Their hideouts are inside hidden sea caves by the coasts from which they "wreck" incoming ships - because of how they operate and their lack of morality, they are universally disliked in Calradia.


Like all the minor factions or independent clans at this point in Bannerlord's development, the Lake Rats function simply as mercenaries, in spite of being described as outlaws. In fact, despite their lowly origins, they posses unique infantry that are among the best of among minor factions', with excellent armor and good weapons. If and when the player establishes or takes control of a kingdom, enlisting the Lake Rats would be a smart move if they can afford the expense.

Official Description[]

The Lake Rats live in the marshes on the shores of the great northern lake, in shacks made out of the timbers of ruined ships. They live by "wrecking" - i.e. luring ships onto shoals with false lighthouses and beacons. Because they're scorned by the rest of Calradia - "all criminals, smell like marsh gas and mud and rotten fish" - they scorn everyone else back. Although mostly Sturgian, their ranks have been swelled by fugitives, debtors, and anyone else who'd rather live by a thieves' code than by the laws of nobles.[1]


Like all the minor factions or independent clans, the Lake Rats function as mercenaries. They posses unique infantry that are among the best minor factions troops, with excellent armor and good weapons. If and when the player founds their own kingdom or takes over another faction's, enlisting the Lake Rats would be a smart move if they can afford the expense.


Their leader and membership are randomly generated at the beginning of each game.

Troop Tree[]

Lake Rats Troops
Chevron-2 Icon troop type infantry Lake Rat Recruit
Chevron-3 Icon troop type infantry Lake Rat Veteran
Chevron-4 Icon troop type infantry Lake Rat Wrecker


  1. Encyclopedia Calradia, entry "Lake Rats"
Clans of Sturgia
Forest PeopleLake RatsSkolderbroda