He does like to give towns to himself, but will spread castles and villages more evenly amongst his vassals. If he really likes you, he will give you a lot of fiefs without you needing to ask and will even throw a town in every now and again. It is quite difficult to convince him to give a fief to someone else as he tends to make up his mind and stick to it.
King Graveth's side of the attainment of the throne is said from his point of view as legitimate, as the Claimant Lord Kastor of Veluca and King Graveth himself were both candidates for the political election. "Kings are voted in by a council, which meets in a no-man's land, and weapons are forbidden. During the previous vote, Lord Kastor and Graveth (now king) were the two candidates. While the council was deciding, Graveth appeared wielding a sword, saying that a Swadian raiding party was on its way; and he would leave the council to their fate if they did not elect him King. The council elected him and he saved them. Kastor believes he should be King by default, as Graveth broke the sacred tradition by coming to the field whilst armed."
Kastor later says he will, "Place the wreath of victory upon his head before removing it from his shoulders."