Mount & Blade Wiki

Khuzait Noble's Son are tier-two noble horse archers of the Khuzait.


They are highly versatile low-tier troops but they can be easily cut down if they get bogged down in infantry lines, so be wary when deploying them. Khuzait Noble's Sons should for the most part be left to their own devices with the F6 command but, if they are getting bogged down, one should take command and pull them out to prevent losses. Like with all horse archers,they are especially effective against enemy infantry - a group of them can dispatch an infantry group more than double its size with ease. However, caution needs to be taken when dealing with other troop types, for Khuzait Noble's Sons can be particularly vulnerable once they run out of arrows and charge at infantry. One should be especially cautious if they are facing infantry and archers - should they get bogged down by infantry with a group of enemy archers focused on them, they will quickly fall.

Against Bandits

Khuzait Noble's Sons are particularly useful against groups of Looters, being able to cut them down easily. As such, auto-resolved battles should net nil losses yet may leave some wounded. Battles against higher-tier bandits (the regional variants), on the other hand, should never be auto-resolved as, regardless of troop type, there will be losses. Khuzait Noble's Sons should be especially used against Steppe Bandits as, without dedicated troops to chase them and bog them down, they will annihilate any infantry group you pit against them.

Against Faction Armies

When using Khuzait Noble's Sons, more is always better, especially when engaging the enemy in open valleys or plains. However, if engaging in heavily forested areas, they tend to run into trees and, once halted, get cut down if close to enemy fire. As such, one method is to order them to dismount and then open fire. A diversified army would suit best in such situations, with infantry to back them up. If, on the other hand, you are army hunting as opposed to besieging, Khuzait Noble's Sons and their upgrades are perfect for such a task.


One Handed 20
Two Handed 10
Polearm 55
Bow 40
Crossbow 5
Throwing 5
Riding 40
Athletics 20


Troops may spawn with these items in battle. (v1.x.x)
Weapons ?
Shield ?
Head Armor ?
Shoulder Armor ?
Body Armor ?
Hand Armor ?
Foot Armor ?
Mount ?
Mount Harness ?


Khuzait icon Troops of the Khuzait Khuzait icon
Icon troop type infantry Peasant
Chevron-1 Icon troop type infantry Nomad Icon troop type infantry Nomad
Chevron-2 Icon troop type infantry Footman Icon troop type cavalry big Steppe Bandit Icon troop type horse archer big Tribal Warrior Icon troop type cavalry big Steppe Bandit Icon troop type horse archer big Noble's Son
Chevron-3 Icon troop type infantry Spearman Icon troop type bow Hunter Icon troop type horse archer big Raider Icon troop type cavalry big Horseman Icon troop type horse archer big Marauder Icon troop type horse archer big Qanqli
Chevron-4 Icon troop type infantry Spear Infantry Icon troop type bow Archer Icon troop type horse archer big Horse Archer Icon troop type cavalry big Lancer Icon troop type horse archer big Raider Icon troop type horse archer big Torguud
Chevron-5 Icon troop type infantry Darkhan Icon troop type bow Marksman Icon troop type horse archer big Heavy Horse Archer Icon troop type cavalry big Heavy Lancer Icon troop type horse archer big Kheshig
Chevron-6 Icon troop type horse archer big Khan's Guard