Mount & Blade Wiki

Khuzait Heavy Horse Archers are tier-five horse archers of the Khuzait.


One Handed 130
Two Handed 60
Polearm 80
Bow 130
Crossbow 20
Throwing 60
Riding 130
Athletics 80


Troops may spawn with these items in battle. (v1.5.4 beta)
Weapons Fine Steel Sabre
Steppe Recurve Bow
Steppe Arrows
Shield ?
Head Armor Plumed Lamellar Helmet
Shoulder Armor Lamellar Shoulders
Body Armor Eastern Plated Leather Vest
Hand Armor Eastern Plated Leather Vambraces
Foot Armor Reinforced Suede Boots
Mount Steppe Warhorse
Mount Harness Steppe Half Barding

Armor Ratings[]

Note: These items are taken from the in-game encyclopedia. Troops may spawn with visibly different equipment that may affect their in-game ratings. (v1.5.4 beta)
Armor Head Body Arm Leg Weight
Plumed Lamellar Helmet 35 - - - 3.3
Lamellar Shoulders - 12 3 - 5
Eastern Plated Leather Vest - 34 2 4 14.2
Eastern Plated Leather Vambraces - - 24 - 1.7
Reinforced Suede Boots - - - 20 1
Total 35 46 29 24 25.2

Weapon Ratings[]

Note: These items are taken from the in-game encyclopedia. Troops may spawn with visibly different equipment that may affect their in-game ratings. (v1.5.4 beta)
Name Fine Steel Sabre
Type 1H Weapon
Class 1H Sword
Swing Speed 88
Swing Damage 73
Thrust Speed 90
Thrust Damage 36
Length ?
Handling ?
Weight 1.55
Name Steppe Recurve Bow
Type Bow
Speed 89
Damage 62 (pierce)
Accuracy 94
Missile Speed 78
Weight 0.3
Name Steppe Arrows
Type Arrows
Accuracy 100
Damage 2 (pierce)
Stack Amount 24
Weight 0.036


Khuzait icon Troops of the Khuzait Khuzait icon
Icon troop type infantry Peasant
Chevron-1 Icon troop type infantry Nomad Icon troop type infantry Nomad
Chevron-2 Icon troop type infantry Footman Icon troop type cavalry big Steppe Bandit Icon troop type horse archer big Tribal Warrior Icon troop type cavalry big Steppe Bandit Icon troop type horse archer big Noble's Son
Chevron-3 Icon troop type infantry Spearman Icon troop type bow Hunter Icon troop type horse archer big Raider Icon troop type cavalry big Horseman Icon troop type horse archer big Marauder Icon troop type horse archer big Qanqli
Chevron-4 Icon troop type infantry Spear Infantry Icon troop type bow Archer Icon troop type horse archer big Horse Archer Icon troop type cavalry big Lancer Icon troop type horse archer big Raider Icon troop type horse archer big Torguud
Chevron-5 Icon troop type infantry Darkhan Icon troop type bow Marksman Icon troop type horse archer big Heavy Horse Archer Icon troop type cavalry big Heavy Lancer Icon troop type horse archer big Kheshig
Chevron-6 Icon troop type horse archer big Khan's Guard