The Khergit are a clan of the Khuzait led by Mesui Begum.
“ | The Khergit, or Roan Horses, were one of the first peoples to be subjugated by Urkhun. Although assimilated into his confederacy by force, they proved themselves some of his most valuable warriors, and were rewarded with extensive lands in his new conquests. War however took a heavy toll of the clan's males, and ten years ago the Arkit made a bid for their territories. Mesui, sister of a slain noyan and part of a long tradition of steppe warrior-women, led the Khergit's counter-attack. She continues to rule a clan nervous about its brush with extinction, and resentful of the Urkhunait for doing little to help them. | ” |
They are one of four clans led by a woman.
- Towns
- Villages
- Mesui's distant descendants will become the Khergit dynasty that will rule the Khanate 173 years later during Mount&Blade: Warband.
- As mentioned by Borcha in Mount&Blade: Warband, the clan was often paid to fight as mercenaries by the Calradic Empire. One such instance resulted in the catastrophic Battle of Pendraic, where every Khergit adult man of rank was slain, leading to the clan's situation at the start of Bannerlord.
Clans of the Khuzait |
Major |
Urkhunait • Khergit • Arkit • Tigrit • Harfit • Baltait • Koltit • Yanserit • Oburit |
Minor |
Karakhergit |