Jayek is a village of the Kingdom of Nords.
Player Elder Fugitive |
The Village Elder is located straight down the dirt path from where the player enters, across the stone path, standing next to a some steps and a bucket.
Jayek is built in an area covered in long, rolling hills and valleys with several trees growing mostly in smaller groups. It has a total of six structures. There are several fields here, one growing squash and another full of some short shrubs, the rest appear to have already been harvested and are full of heaps of straw or hay. There is a very large number of baskets to be found throughout the village, but no evidence of anything to put inside them.
If sent here during a Hunt Down Fugitive quest, the target may be found in the shrub field behind the building the Village Elder is standing in front of.
Territory of the Kingdom of Nords |
Towns Sargoth • Tihr • Wercheg |
Castles Alburq Castle • Chalbek Castle • Curin Castle • Hrus Castle • Jelbegi Castle • Knudarr Castle Tehlrog Castle |
Villages Aldelen • Ambean • Buillin • Fearichen • Fenada • Gisim(M&B) • Haen • Jayek • Jelbegi • Kulum Kwynn • Mechin(WB) • Odasan • Rizi • Ruvar • Udiniad(M&B) • Vayejeg |