Mount & Blade Wiki

Jarl Ivarr Inn Beinlaussi is a vassal of Jarl Halfdan Ragnarsson of the Kingdom of Northhymbre.

He is one of very few lords to use or carry a long bow. This is odd as he is mounted and rarely uses his bow unless he is involved in a siege or other scenario without his horse.


Historically, he was a commander of "The Great Heathen Army" and son of Ragnar Lodbrok. He is also known as Ivar the Boneless, and fought alongside his brothers under a large Viking army before their defeat by Alfred of Wessex.

Wikipedia Wikipedia has an article on this subject at:
Ivar the Boneless
Kingdom of Northhymbre
Monarch: Claimant:
Jarl Halfdan Ragnarsson Aetheling Oswine

Cyning EgbertJarl Rathbarth RagnarssonEaldorman EaldredJarl Sidroc the ElderEaldorman Ricsige
Ealdorman Egbert the SecondJarl Bjorn RagnarssonHersir Guthred KnutrHersir RognvaldHersir Harald
Hersir Sidroc the YoungHersir FraenaJarl Ivarr Inn BeinlaussiJarl Hubbi RagnarssonKonungr Bagsecg


AebbeAlof RagnarsdottirEanflaedFreydisGudrunSigridSigrunnSvanhildTurid
