Mount & Blade Wiki

Ismirala is a village initially owned by the Kingdom of Vaegirs.


Ismirala map
Pin Blue PlayerPin Green ElderPin Red Fugitive

The Village Elder is located in front of the large building at the top of the ridge on the far side of the village from where the player starts, standing next to a bench.

Ismirala is set by a stream in a valley with a steep mountainous walls all around it and small tree clusters scattered about. It has a total of eight structures and two wooden bridges over the water, one of which is nothing more than a few planks. There are a couple places where fields probably grow during warmer times, but are buried under snow. Unlike most villages with a stream, there are no signs of a fishing industry here.

If sent here during a Hunt Down Fugitive quest, the target may be found behind a building just below the ridge where the Village Elder may be found, standing next to a woodpile.

Territory of the Kingdom of Vaegirs
Bulugha CastleDramug CastleIsmirala CastleJeirbe CastleNelag CastleRadoghir Castle
Slezkh CastleTilbaut Castle (M&B)Yruma Castle
AyyikeBazeckBhulaban (M&B)FisdnarHanunIsmiralaKarindiMazenMechin (M&B)
RebacheShapeshteShulusSlezkhSumbujaTadsamesh (M&B)TebandraTismirr (WB)
Udiniad (WB)UlburbanUslumVezin