Mount & Blade Wiki
For the Bannerlord version, see Hired Blade (Bannerlord).

Hired Blades are tier-five mercenary infantry in Mount&Blade and Mount&Blade: Warband.


Their fighting ability is comparable to dismounted Swadian Knights and will easily win against equal numbers of Sea Raiders. They wear either a Guard Helmet, a Great Helmet, or a Bascinet, a Haubergeon, Leather Gloves, and either Plate Boots, Iron Greaves, or Mail Chausses. They wield either a Heavy Bastard Sword - which they never use two-handed - or an Arming Sword, both together with a Horseman's Heater Shield in their other hand.

Hired Blades are easily picked out on the battlefield due to their unusual appearance - heavily armored and dismounted - but are powerful fighters and not to be trifled with. However, since their relatively small shield makes them vulnerable to ranged attacks, they should be backed up with ranged troops to make them most effective. Hired Blades can carve up almost any opposition in close quarters because of the well-balanced nature of their equipment - not making use of unwieldy two-handers or large cumbersome shields - but they should be protected from cavalry running rings around them, especially Khergit Horse Archers, who can make short work of them.

Hired Blades will be the shock troops of a mercenary army, out in front to tie up the enemy while the (usually) larger numbers of Mercenary Swordsmen behind close in to finish the job. They do their job well even for their high recruitment cost and wages - as an added bonus, since they rode horses in early versions of Mount&Blade, they are considered mounted when calculating party speed on the overland map.

Stats and Equipment[]

Note: Troops have a set of default stats; at the beginning of a new game, these stats are randomly adjusted for each type of troop. The following is the default set for this troop as seen within the game code and may not reflect the specific stats you will see during actual gameplay. For more information, see troop stats.
Hired Blade - Default Stats and Equipment
Stat Points
Level 25
Strength 7
Agility 5
Intelligence 4
Charisma 4
Health 52
Great Helmet
Guard Helmet
Leather Gloves
Plate Boots
Iron Greaves
Mail Chausses
Skill Points
Ironflesh 5
Power Strike 5
Power Throw ?
Power Draw ?
Weapon Master ?
Shield 5
Athletics 5
Riding 3
Horse Archery ?
Looting ?
Trainer ?
Tracking ?
Tactics ?
Path-finding ?
Spotting ?
Inventory Management 2
Wound Treatment ?
Surgery ?
First Aid ?
Engineer ?
Persuasion ?
Prisoner Management 1
Leadership 1
Trade 2
Weapon Type Points
One Handed Weapons 130
Two Handed Weapons 130
Polearms 130
Archery 130
Crossbows 130
Throwing 130
Heavy Bastard Sword
Arming Sword
Horseman's Heater Shield

M&B Mercenary Troops M&BWB
Sellswords Sword Sisters
Chevron-1 Icon troop type infantry Farmer Icon troop type infantry Townsman Icon troop type cavalry big Caravan Master Icon troop type infantry Peasant Woman Icon troop type infantry Refugee
Chevron-2 Icon troop type infantry Watchman Icon troop type infantry Camp Follower
Chevron-3 Icon troop type bow Mercenary Crossbowman Icon troop type cavalry big Caravan Guard Icon troop type infantry Bandit Icon troop type infantry Camp Defender
Chevron-4 Icon troop type cavalry big Mercenary Horseman Icon troop type infantry Mercenary Swordsman Icon troop type cavalry big Brigand Icon troop type infantry Huntress
Chevron-5 Icon troop type cavalry big Mercenary Cavalry Icon troop type infantry Hired Blade Icon troop type cavalry big Sword Sister