Mount & Blade Wiki

Godun is a Knyaz of Sturgia and the leader of clan Vagiroving. He is the owner of Tyal and Urikskala Castle, the husband of Erta, and the father of Lek, Svana, and Osven. He has a turbulent relationship with Grand Prince Raganvad Gundaroving, who does not trust him and appears to think of his clan as perhaps opportunistic. Godun considers Raganvad unpleasant in turn and questions his wisdom as a ruler.

Godun is one of the nobles with extended dialogue and may share his thoughts on the Battle of Pendraic.


Godun is lord of the Vagiroving, one of the younger houses of the Sturgians. His people have always been as interested in trade as they have been in war, although Godun himself is everything a prince might want: cooperative, prompt to pay his feudal services, quick to respond to his liege's calls to arms. Yet Raganvad has never fully trusted him, because it is hard to imagine a Vagiroving without his long-term plan for personal aggrandizement.

According to his Personality Traits, he is Daring (Valor 1) and Calculating (Calculating 1). He has the reputation of being daring and ambitious.

As with all noblemen and women, his Armor, Weapons, Perks, Friends, Enemies, and Attribute Points are all randomized at the beginning of the game.


Skill Value
One Handed 160
Two Handed 140
Polearm 170
Bow 100
Crossbow 80
Throwing 80
Riding 110
Athletics 110
Tactics 70
Charm 100
Leadership 140
Trade 140
Steward 160


Two generations ago, the Sturgian lords entered into a covenant to give their allegiance to a prince. We surrendered our ancient freedoms so that we might be united in war. Was that wise? I have no idea. But I know that if we rupture that covenant now, forging it again would be a long and bloody task. Perhaps an impossible one.
— on Politics

Yes. It was madness. The greatest blow struck against the Empire in a lifetime, and we squandered it squabbling among ourselves about a flag.

They say Olek the Old had pried the Dragon Banner out of the Emperor's dead hands. But then Prince Raganvad, who had not so much as drawn his sword in the battle, claimed it as a trophy. Olek, who was covered in his enemies' blood, laughed at Raganvad and told him to go find his own toy to play with. Raganvad struck him, so Olek broke the banner staff over his knee and threw it in his prince's face.

Or perhaps it was just Raganvad. He was stewing in his anger when up comes the Battanian king, Caladog. The Battanians had taken their time stripping the bodies of the imperial vanguard and the Sturgians were angry at them, so Raganvad called him a coward. Caladog sneers at him and walks off.

Insults his most powerful vassal and then insults his most valued ally. A fine day's work, wouldn't you say? But he has grown wiser since, though no more pleasant to spend time with.

— on the Battle of Pendraic