Furnhard is a nobleman of Vlandia and a member of House dey Tihr. He is the son of Baron Aldric and Elthild, and the brother of Liena and Megenhelda.
Furnhard is "as debauched as his father".[1] He is considered depraved and is almost as greatly feared as the Sturgian and Battanian raiders he allows to rampage through the northlands as he pursues his desires. Similar to his father, he neglects his duty and relies on his sister Liena to carry out the clan's responsibilities.[2]
According to his Personality Traits, he is Closefisted (Generosity -1), Devious (Honor -1), Cautious (Valor -1), and Cruel (Mercy -1). He has the reputation of being sadistic.
As with all noblemen and women, his Armor, Weapons, Perks, Friends, Enemies, and Attribute Points are all randomized at the beginning of the game.
Skill | Value |
One Handed | 150 |
Two Handed | 150 |
Polearm | 150 |
Bow | 120 |
Crossbow | 100 |
Throwing | 100 |
Riding | 120 |
Athletics | 100 |
Tactics | 40 |
Charm | 100 |
Leadership | 100 |
Trade | 60 |
Steward | 80 |
- Furnhard is rare among Calradian noble NPCs in having all four negative personality traits - a very stark constrast to his sister Liena's four positive ones, making the siblings complete opposites.
- His name is spelled as "Furenhard" in the spclans.xml game file.
- Despite being described as shirking his duties, he still leads a war party and may join army campaigns.