Mount & Blade Wiki

Emer is one of the villages initially owned by the Kingdom of Rhodoks.


Emer map
Pin Blue PlayerPin Green ElderPin Red Fugitive

The Village Elder is located just within the village, standing to the left of where the player enters in front of the open barn doors.

Emer is set on a relatively flat area in somewhat hilly terrain with a few scattered trees. It has a total of six structures, one of which seems to be collapsing. Emer may be a major producer of Grain as there are two fenced fields that appear to be harvested with only piles of straw remaining, a large number of sacks lying throughout the village, and there are two separate storage structures here that could hold a large quantity of grain. Behind the village on a low hill is a small graveyard.

If sent here during a Hunt Down Fugitive quest, the target may be found behind the building on the far right side from where the player enters, standing next to a tree.

Territory of the Kingdom of Rhodoks
Almerra CastleCulmarr CastleErgellon CastleEtrosq CastleGrunwalder Castle
Ibdeles CastleJamiche CastleMaras Castle