Mount & Blade Wiki

Alcaea is a noblewoman of Battania and a member of clan fen Uvain. She is the daughter of Mormaer Melidir and Alcaea, and the sister of Tegan, Culharn and Wythuin.


According to her Personality Traits, she is Closefisted (Generosity -1) and Devious (Honor -1). She has the reputation for being dishonorable in every way.

As with all noblemen and women, her Armor, Weapons, Perks, Friends, Enemies, and Attribute Points are all randomized at the beginning of the game.


Skill Value
Riding 100
Steward 80
Trade 60
Charm 60


  • In older versions of the game, she also had a brother called Bestein that is currently removed from the game as of 1.2.9.