Despite being mainstay Cossack cavalry, they are poor, unrealiable, irregular militia light dragoons lacking any uniformity in weapons and equipment typical of their counterparts from other nations - their main weapons being pistols and simple sabers, Djura can spawn with either primitive Matchlock Carbines or Old Pistols.
Compared to regular dragoons, Djura are arguably the worst such troops in the game, weaker than Jasaq and Volunteers. Although having average weapon proficiencies - being slightly better in melee than in ranged combat - on par with regular dragoons, Djura lack armor due to wearing simple civilian clothes instead of a typical dragoon's sturdy uniform, making them likely to be defeated by stronger ranged cavalry or infantry - due to their horses, however, Djura can be used effectively against slower infantry, using their mobility and range to counter light musketeers and militia troops.
Stats and Equipment[]
Note: Troops have a set of default stats; at the beginning of a new game, these stats are randomly adjusted for each type of troop. The following is the default set for this troop as seen within the game code and may not reflect the specific stats you will see during actual gameplay. For more information, see troop stats.