Mount & Blade Wiki

Dirigsene is one of the villages initially owned by the Kingdom of Rhodoks.


Dirigsene map
Pin Blue PlayerPin Green ElderPin Red Fugitive

The Village Elder is located in the middle of the village, down the main road and on the right side from where the player enters, standing between a wood pile and bench.

Dirigsene is located in mountainous terrain spotted with abundant trees and boulders. It has a total of six structures, including a windmill at the top of a steep hill accessible by a winding path. A single field can be found here which is empty except for heaps of straw, and when considering the mill, may be a harvested wheat farm. There is no other evidence of food production within the village.

If sent here during a Hunt Down Fugitive quest, the target may be found almost directly forward from where the player starts, standing among some large bushes.

Territory of the Kingdom of Rhodoks
Almerra CastleCulmarr CastleErgellon CastleEtrosq CastleGrunwalder Castle
Ibdeles CastleJamiche CastleMaras Castle