Curaw is a town located in the snowy plains of the Kingdom of Vaegirs. Its initial lord is Boyar Naldera.
- Mount&Blade
Curaw lies in the middle of an open area with a small forest to the northwest and mountains separating the Vaegirs from the Khergit Khanate to the south.
Its villages are Bazeck, Shulus, and Uslum.
- Warband
The area around Curaw is forested tundra, with a rather large river toward the town from the west, forking into a northern and southern branch right before it.
Its villages are Bazeck and Rebache.
The Khergit Khanate considers it stolen territory and claims that it's rightfully theirs.
Accessible area |
The Guild Master for Curaw can be located by heading straight forward after selecting 'Take a walk around the streets'. He is on the player's right as they head towards the keep.
Besieging Curaw requires the construction of Siege Ladders.
Attackers begin very close to the walls while defenders begin above them on the walls and the single ladder leading to it.
Tournaments in Curaw feature the following equipment:
- Mount&Blade
- Heavy Sword
- Lance & Shield
- Crossbow & Bolts, Sword
- Bow & Arrows
- Sword & Shield
- Horse (not every participant is mounted)
- Warband
- Axe & Shield
- Bow & Arrows, Dagger
- Javelins & Shield
- Horse
Curaw sells Iron and buys Dried Meat. Being on the way to other towns, it is a good stop for the merchant player and nearby villages linked to castles improve the town's production. At the start of a new game, Curaw's Tool production can potentially be set higher, making Iron more expensive and an Ironworks a poor investment.
Curaw produces:
Territory of the Kingdom of Vaegirs |
Towns Curaw • Khudan • Reyvadin • Rivacheg |
Castles Bulugha Castle • Dramug Castle • Ismirala Castle • Jeirbe Castle • Nelag Castle • Radoghir Castle Slezkh Castle • Tilbaut Castle (M&B) • Yruma Castle |
Villages Ayyike • Bazeck • Bhulaban (M&B) • Fisdnar • Hanun • Ismirala • Karindi • Mazen • Mechin (M&B) Rebache • Shapeshte • Shulus • Slezkh • Sumbuja • Tadsamesh (M&B) • Tebandra • Tismirr (WB) Udiniad (WB) • Ulburban • Uslum • Vezin |