Mount & Blade Wiki

Chaeza is one of the villages initially owned by the Kingdom of Rhodoks.


Chaeza map
Pin Blue PlayerPin Green ElderPin Red Fugitive

The Village Elder is forward and to the left where the player enters, standing on a stone porch next to a table and stool.

Chaeza is set in hilly terrain with significant elevation differences between peaks and valleys, and few trees spotted about. It has a total of five structures, as well as stone walls and what appears to be the stone foundation of a ruined building. There are four fields here, one is growing squash and cabbages, one has wheat, while the other two are empty and may be under construction as indicated by the number of loose rails. Within a storage shed can be seen fruit baskets, fish, and furs. There is also an outdoor oven which might be used for baking bread, but none can be seen nearby.

If sent here during a Hunt Down Fugitive quest, the target may be found in the fields on the far left side of the village, standing next to some shrubs.

Territory of the Kingdom of Rhodoks
Almerra CastleCulmarr CastleErgellon CastleEtrosq CastleGrunwalder Castle
Ibdeles CastleJamiche CastleMaras Castle