Mount & Blade Wiki

Brogomir was one of the three pre-made characters showcased in Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord's Gamescom 2018 demo alongside Alijin and Valtis.


Early Life

Brogomir is the son of a warrior in a Sturgian prince's Druzhina, the retinue that follows him everywhere and forms the core of his armies. He wields the great northern axe, but can also fight with lance and sword on horseback. He has also been trained to command detachments of other troops on the battlefield. But Brogomir's liege died in one of the countless petty wars of the north and his retinue have become masterless men, seeking another lord to give them their mead, their meat, and the gold rings that they treasure.

Later Life

Brogomir chose to pursue a career as a warrior. He fought briefly for the Sturgians, but fell afoul of their tyrannical king Raganvad. He found Garios of the Empire, a soldier who understood soldiers, a liege more to his liking. Brogomir is perhaps the most fearsome fighter in Garios' ranks, taking down the general's opponents in duel after duel. He has been rewarded with a fief in the Western Empire.


  • Brogomir, Alijin, and Valtis can still be found in Bannerlord's game files.