Mount & Blade Wiki

Boyar Naldera is initially a vassal of the Kingdom of Vaegirs. His starting fief is Curaw in both Mount&Blade and Warband.

You may fight him or have him side with you as you help Prince Valdym the Bastard, the corresponding claimant, overthrow King Yaroglek and gain control of the kingdom.


Spouse: Lady Seomis

Children: Boyar Marmun, Lady Drina

Note: Certain aspects of most NPCs are randomly generated at the beginning of every new game; these include all family lines (other than the parents and siblings of younger NPCs or spouse and children of older NPCs), personalities, and initial fief ownership.


Kingdom of Vaegirs
Monarch: Claimant:
King Yaroglek Prince Valdym the Bastard

Boyar BelgaruBoyar BrachaBoyar CrahaskBoyar DoruBoyar DruliBoyar GastyaBoyar Harish
Boyar KhavelBoyar KumipaBoyar MarmunBoyar MerigaBoyar MlezaBoyar NalderaBoyar Nelag
Boyar RalchaBoyar RudinBoyar TaisaBoyar ValishinBoyar VlanBoyar Vuldrat


Lady AkilinaLady DrinaLady ErenchinaLady HarisLady IarinaLady JoakaLady Junitha
Lady KatiaLady MynthaLady NeshaLady OlekseiaLady PelaekaLady Seomis
Lady SepanaLady SihavanLady TabathLady TamarLady TejinaLady ValkaLady Vayen
