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Board games are content introduced in Bannerlord. Each faction has their own table games, making a total of six different games.

Every tavern has a single board game. Keeps also have a set, and players can occasionally request a game from nobles.

The game in the tavern is tied to the starting culture of the city in which the tavern is found, and game in the keep is tied to the culture of the owner.

Available Games[]

  • Tablut is the Imperial game, and is based on the Sámi game of the same name.
  • MuTorere is the Vlandian game, and is based on the Māori game of the same name.
  • Bagh-Chal is the Battanian game, and is based on the Nepali game of the same name.
  • Konane is the Sturgian game, and is based on the Hawaiian game of the same name.
  • Seega is the Aseraian game, and is based on the Egyptian game of the same name.
  • Puluc is the Khuzait game, and is based on the Q'eqchi game of the same name.


  • If a player picks Black for MuTorere a situation can be engineered where it is impossible to lose unless one makes a mistake.
  • Bagh-Chal in Nepali is बाघ चाल, which translates to Tiger Game. In Nepal it features Tigers and Goats instead of Wolves and Sheep.
  • In the bannerlord ruleset if both players in Bagh-Chal play optimally the game will end in a threefold repetition.
  • It is said by Plato that Seega was taken by Greek traders across the Mediterranean, it would later develop into Petteia, which in turn would evolve into Ludus Latrunculorum in Rome. Thus Seega can be considered the spiritual ancestor of such games as Chess and Hnefatafl, including Tablut.
  • The Ngāti Hauā chief Wiremu Tamihana Te Waharoa reputedly offered a game of MuTorere to Governor George Grey with the whole country going to the winner, but Grey declined.
  • Because Konane is decided by a fail-state rather than a victory-state, it is impossible to reach a draw or repetition.


  • MuTorere can easily be won by splitting up your pieces as soon as possible, and never having them together as 3 again. Then, simply wait for the opponent to join their pieces in three and you will win. On Hard difficulty (whenever you are betting) it can take a while of repetitions, but it is foolproof.