Mount & Blade Wiki

Arwa is a member of the Banu Sarran clan. She is the daughter of Adram and Maraa, and the sister of Addas and Tariq. She is one of the few noblewomen that have high level weapon and tactics skills at the beginning of the game.


According to her Personality Traits, she is Generous (Generosity 1), Devious (Honor -1) and Daring (Valor 1). She has the reputation of being clever and roguish.

As with all noblemen and women, her Armor, Weapons, Perks, Friends, Enemies, and Attribute Points are all randomized at the beginning of the game.


Skill Value
One Handed 210
Two Handed 190
Polearm 220
Bow 150
Crossbow 100
Throwing 170
Riding 210
Athletics 130
Tactics 60
Charm 140
Steward 60
Leadership 120