Mount & Blade Wiki

Adram is an Emir of the Aserai and the leader of the Banu Sarran. He is the owner of Abba, the husband of Maraa, and the father of Addas, Arwa, and Tariq.


Adram joined one of his clansmen, Nimr, as part of the Aserai troops hired by the Calradic Empire to aid them in their war against the Sturgians, Vlandians, and Battanians. Despite being routed and defeated by Vlandian knights at the Battle of Pendraic, the surviving Aserai warriors were hailed for their actions upon returning home. Adram bore witness to the growing enmity between the Sarranids and the Qildi, as Nimr was killed by the latter for having an affair with one of their daughters.


According to his Personality Traits, Adram is Generous (Generosity 1) and Calculating (Calculating 1). He has a reputation for being attentive, careful to reward loyal followers.

As with all noblemen and women, his Armor, Weapons, Perks, Friends, Enemies, and Attribute Points are all randomized at the beginning of the game.


Skill Value
One Handed 150
Two Handed 150
Polearm 150
Bow 130
Crossbow 100
Throwing 100
Riding 120
Athletics 100
Tactics 80
Charm 120
Steward 140
Trade 120
Leadership 160


There was never a prouder moment for the Banu Sarran.

The bravest and most valiant son of our clan, Nimr, led off a large group of Aserai warriors to fight for the Empire, for gold and glory. I went with them. When we saw the Battanian archers come down from the hills, Nimr was ready. He gave the word: we held our shields over our heads as the arrows rained down, then threw our javelins and charged. We cut them down.

Then the Vlandian knights came. We were attacked on two sides and the Emperor, who could have sent men to save us, took his time. Perhaps he wanted the best of the Aserai to die, lest we become too powerful later. But that betrayal was nothing compared to what we received from our fellow Aserai of the Banu Qild.

Nimr returned, in well-deserved glory. A daughter of the Banu Qild took an interest in him, and they had a secret affair, as the youth sometimes do. As heroes do. But Nimr's acts wounded the Qildi's pride. They kidnapped him, slew him and hung him in a cage in their market. We will forgive the Empire and the Vlandians. The Qildi... better not ask me that.

— on the Battle of Pendraic